After the funeral service of a loved one, you may feel confused or exhausted. It is not surprising to you if you are in this state. You have just lost your protector and guide who was with you all these years.
This is the part where you will want to be social. If you want to share with friends and family, that’s normal. But some other steps need to be taken care of before moving on.

Hold a Funeral Reception
The funeral reception is the final chance to celebrate your loved one’s life and remember them. If you want to invite all of their friends and family members, it’s OK to do so and if you have time, you could even have a memorial service at the reception so that everyone can get together and remember your loved ones.
It is a great way to bring people together to celebrate the life of your loved one, but it can also be a time of sadness and grief. Plan and make sure you are prepared for the reception.
Organise a Unique Funeral for Your Loved One
Your loved one’s funeral service is a time to remember their life, celebrate their memory and reflect on what they meant to you. It’s also an opportunity to help people understand how much you cared about them, and how much they will be missed.
The best way to honour your loved one after their death is by holding a memorial service. This can take the form of a religious ceremony, or it can be a celebration of life. You might choose to have both, depending on your personal preference and the preferences of those attending.
Create a Memorial Aftercare Plan
The memorial aftercare is where you would go to honour and celebrate your loved one’s life. It’s also a way to connect with other people who have lost a loved one and help them through the grieving process.
The best way to plan your memorial aftercare is to think about the people you want there. You can invite them all by sending out an email including information about where and when they can come together to celebrate their memories.
Handle the Estate of the Deceased with Care
After a funeral service, the deceased’s family and friends are left with many responsibilities. One of the biggest ones is to take care of the deceased’s estate, which can be highly complicated.
Make sure that you have the will of the deceased person. This will ensure that his estate gets distributed to loved ones according to his wishes.
Maintain their Social Media Profiles
You should do some maintenance if they have a Facebook or a Twitter account. Check what kind of posts they have posted to check whether it is according to their beliefs and values or not. You can also add some posts yourself if you want to.
Planning a successful final journey is often one of the most challenging things. You are grieving your loss while trying to take care of all the logistics and details.
The death may be sudden, or there could have been a long illness. The above tips can help in reducing the grief of loved ones.